Infant DMD cure project [ Terminated ]


1. Name of infant ; W. B Seo

2. Date of birth ; 10-04-2013

3.  Resident ; Pocheon city, Gyeonggi -Do, South Korea


R/O Infant DMD.

Now waiting for the confirmation of the result of  Biopsy, gene test.

Showing Gower sign.

CPK ; Max 18309        U/L
LDH; 2903                     "
ALT(GPT) ; 262            "
AST(GOT) ; 380            "

20161207, Diagnosed  as biopsy result ;

whether auto-generated ;


Dystrophin 1,  Negative
Dystrophin 2,  Negative
Dystrophin 3,  Negative
Utrophin         Negative
Spectrin          Positive, weak
Dysferin         Positive

[Skeletal muscle, biopsy]

a) Variation in myofiber sizes and rounded small fibers.
b) Regenerating muscle fibers.
c) Increased central nuceli and fiber splitting
d) Multifocal replacement by fat
e) Lymphocytic infiltration in the endomysium  and perimysium
    and phagocytic histiocytes.
    consident with muscular Dystrophy

20161221, Confirmed DMD through biopsy.

Genetic Test Result ;

Confirmed all exons in mRNA of dystrophine genes in X chromosomes were in normal status through genetic examination.
Need "Exon sequencing examination" for classifying Nonsense point mutation.

Observed diagnostic additions.

A. Severe language disorders;
 Comparing ages, accurate pronunciation was impossible due to poor development of vocal organs.

B. Gait disorder ;
 No running.
 No jumping,
Only just possible but difficult to walk. 

C. Intellectual disability;
None but sly character compared to age.

Cure strategies and goals

First Cure Strategy and Goal

Pseudo hypertrophy(total amount ; Approximately 3.3 kg, basis of calculation; 1/5 of patient weight 16.5 kg.) on calves and thighs of both legs to be removed.

This Strategy and Goal means recuperation of sturdy mitochondria in damaged muscular cells.

Ongoing ;

Started 20161120
On 201607(After 14 times treatment), Body weight reduced 0.8 kg from 16.4 to 15.6 kg.
                                                               Growth of height 1.0 cm from 97.0 to 98.0 cm.
Passed ; 

A.20170225. More than 90 or 95 percentage of pseudo hypertrophy on thighs and calves of both legs   has gone away.
B. 20170305. 100 percentage of pseudo hypertrophy on thighs and calves of both legs has clearly gone away in between 90 and 99 times treatment.


Failed ;

Terminated ; 2017-03-05

Second Cure Strategy and Goal

CPK, LDH, ALT(GPT), AST(GOT) levels to be decreased down to normal ranges.

Ongoing ;

Started 20161120

Passed ;


                             Stats of Blood test results

Item of blood test
 LDH (U/L) CPK(U/L)  AST(U/L) ALT(U/L) ALP(U/L)               Remarks
Referenced range 
218 - 472
43 -244 14 -40 8 -46 96 - 254 
 2106-11-09 2,591 13,341   First visiting for blood checking
 2016-11-14 2,903 18,309 262 380 395During hospitalization for diagnosis
 2016-11-17 2,319 12,236 198 317 379Repeated examinations in transfusion of fluid during hospitalization 
  2016-12-27 1,621 21,058 366  406 125After 32 times total treatment; with during the taking flu medicine and healing crisis also. 
 2017-02-01 1,647 16,632  318 438 555  After 61 times total treatment; LDH, ALT were on steady, but levels of CPK, AST, ALP waved up and down
 2017-03-08 1,315 11,360 178 295 154 After 99 times total treatment; all levels of serum test were on the way of decreased downward normal levels.
 2017-04-10 1,147   9.512 187  197  143 After 149 times total treatments; influenza with pneumonia, taking antibiotics in the period of serum test. Energy transfer method: therapies by Kun Darani energy theory and  by quantum energy theory combination.
  2017-05-15 1,387 10,713 212 364 136  After 189 times total treatment;
  2017-05-27 1,596 11,634 190 301 457 After 203 times total treatment; 
 2017-07-02 1,589 16,369 354 498 125 After 238 times total treatment ; Found out patient taking multi vitamins for getting multiple effects, speed acceleration, reduced duration and low cost of treatment, furtively which had been determined only by an idea of parent unless any agreement or /and discussion with WMDROC. Even saying for three weeks dose, but has done much earlier(suggestion ; since beginning April, 2017) than that.

WMDROC suggestion ;
Reverse effect = Invasion of very strong toxic energy since 2017-04-10 no more effective, after 149 times treatment. The vital energy to cure the disease is offset and consumed by this toxic energy.

Ordered ;
 At least 5-weeks interim stopping for treatment and  for settling, also observation period is required to naturally excrete toxins, excessive nutrients, unnecessary components of multivitamins, which is not acceptable for the patient body.
 2017-07-23 1,500 12,000    No vitamin, no treatment(Self-purification) 

Terminated ; 2017-08-13.

Reason for termination;

1. Vitamin administration of patient's parents who violate the clinical treatment method of wmdroc.

 They were not willing to recognize the mistakes that their prescription for the son  has ruined in this research of the clinical trial for infant DMD. 

2. trying to deny or/and doubt the change or/and effect of clinical treatment of wmdroc .

 Although the parent was seeing disappearance of Psuedohypertrophy and feeling upper serum test table and  more and more improved infant physical condition, they regarded that the sudden reverse effect by taking vitamin had being occurred by technical problem of WMDROC.  

3. Refused continuous treatment after passing a five-week interim period ;

After a interim stopping period for five weeks of treatment,  the treatment was promised to start again, but unlike the promise of restarting treatment, the parent dismissed it unilaterally because of getting genetic testing. Which would cause termination of therapy, the treatment promise was violated.

4. Refused to submit WMDROC serum test data which has done on the after passing interim stopping period and also refused more treatment;

 After about three weeks of stopping taking vitamins, even though the patient has not been treated at all, the cpk level dropped down to 4,000 iul (16,000 to 12,000). However, boycotted anymore to give these record of  hospital and also more treatment. These parents' actions are simply a strategy to turn WMDROC on why it was not treated and justify the wrong vitamin regimen. Making other MD patients turn on their head backs for WEMDROC's treatment technique and also encourage distrust of the therapeutic effect. It is only a shallow conception to compensate for the DMD treatment of WMDROC. As the parent of MD patient, they were no longer interested in the value of child life, but only obsess the value of wealth.  

5.  May be or not, owing to the action for the conserved  law of inherited genes ; 
  Mother and younger sister of patient was also showing thousands UL of  high CK level. among the family of  four peoples, excepting one, three were genetic DMD mutation. In the case of a maternal hereditary, unlike the minds, typically carrier's nature  does not want to change the transferred genes of the heirs, so it strongly interfere with the treatment that affects something to the gene. These law is caused by nature rather than sane. Pigs are like pigs that give birth to pigs, dogs want pups to be puppies.
This phenomenon, unlike the dad's need for further treatment, typically results in a negative reaction to further treatment to go head cure by the mother with any excuses.

6. Maybe it was a cure ......
 The parents of the patient refused to submit the report of the serum test results that should be given to WMDROC's DMD CURE study plan as a lie that they had done a serum test three weeks after stopping the vitamin administration and did not carry out it any more. As parents, they try to conceal the consequences. Regardless of the elevated levels of vitamin components and subsequent serum levels administered during the course of treatment, the powerful therapeutic energy was transferred smoothly to the patient's body, and depending on the amount of energy transferred, the size and mass, function and energy of organs were all improved. Thus, when the chemical composition of vitamins is lost, the improved physical condition of the patient is, of course, as a therapeutic effect, indicating signs of normalization in other serum tests. Unless the other treatment is combined, the CPK value of this patient as a single treatment, is daily reduced by about 140 μl. The drop in these values is a key point of treatment. If you look at the chart above, you can see that all the figures fell below 200  times treatment and reached the normal close.

7.  The cunning behavior of the parents is preventing the cure of the child.

As a father and mother, it is so cunning that they are not qualified to defend their children. In this home has four people of a family, father and son were male, mother and daughter female. Except  one of father, three has X linked genetic disorder, two female also CPK level over than 3,000  U/L. In the worst case, it means that all three people have a dangerous condition that can develop and only father can remain on the world becoming a mortal  with loss of family. At least WMDROC had done the best of best curing for DMD. But this parent has hide the last serum test result which how much CPK, LDH. AST. ALT had decreased down 5 weeks after cutting off vitamin supplements and if all levels had reached targeting values. 

The patient's parents were consistent with the claim that not all treatments were effective as follows.

1. The absence of pseudohypertrophic growth,
2. The cpk began to descend after the cessation of psuedohyperproliferation,
3. The fact that they secretly used vitamins in the middle treatment progres,
4. The fact that cpk started to go down again even after not stopping the vitamin treatment,
5. It is also cured that you have to live with a disorder that does not sound properly.
6. Walking disorders have been treated ,,,,,,,,,,,

There is only one reason and purpose for denying such treatment of a child.
Having achieved the goal of therapy already, they do not want to keep their promise to donate the cost of WMDROC's infant DMD research.

Third Cure Strategy and Goal

All exons deleted on mRNA of  dystrophin genes of X chromosomes to be normalized, which was a strategy that will reveal whether the dystrophin gene is the cause or the victim of DMD.

 By the way this infant patient has all of 78 exons in dystophin genes in normal.
So, he needed double genetic examinations(DMD sequencing ) for classifying nonsense point mutation and for making accurate beginning data base. Nevertheless, his parent has avoided it due to the high cost before starting or beginning WMDROC treatment.
Only as the result of the genetic test(DMD sequencing) after DMD cure, it should be considered the possibility of genetic cure.
It was very regrettable thing that initially double genetic test had not carried out. If mRNA for base substitution has not to be founded as in normal status through  DMD sequencing, it means that the causes on the any type of MD arising not concerns with any mutated genes, but affected with nutrition from abdominal  organ to muscle.

Ongoing ;

Started 20161120. 

2017-08-13. Stand by another genetic examination (DMD sequencing) for identifying  Nonsense or/and point mutant type DMD.
Passed ;
Failed ;

Terminated ;

Needs more Treatment, needs another cure project after identifying of nonsense point mutant DMD based on the result of exon sequencing examination. 

How to cure?

Forcibly energize the internal energy of all organs.

Six times a week, approximately one hour each time treatment.



Photos of patient

Blood test result


Difference of pseudo hypertrophy on calves 20121120 after  two times, 12/09 after 17 times treatments.  

20161215 Remained pseudo hypertrophy on thighs 

Biopsy report of R/O Myopathy(Whether auto-generated)

[Skeletal muscle, biopsy]

a) Variation in myofiber sizes and rounded small fibers.
b) Regenerating muscle fibers.
c) Increased central nuceli and fiber splitting
d) Multifocal replacement by fat
e) Lymphocytic infiltration in the endomysium  and perimysium
    and phagocytic histiocytes.
    consident with muscular Dystrophy

The endomysium  and perimysium



20161215 Remained pseudo hypertrophy on thighs.

20161222 Remained pseudo hypertrophy on thighs


20151221, Confirmed DMD through biopsy(Confirmation certificate)

20161226 The Results of serum test

What the hell's going on can someone tell me please.

The cause of this infant DMD has nothing to do with the genetic disorder( exon deletion or duplication of X chromosome).





20170210 Ascertained that the decline in pseudo hypertrophy on thighs and calves has continued through WMDROC treatment.                                  


20170225 More than 90 or 95 percentage of pseudo hypertrophy on thighs and calves of both legs has gone away.                                                                                                           

20170305 100 percentage of pseudo hypertrophy on thighs and calves of both legs has clearly gone away in between 90 and 99 times treatment.

20170311 Outdoor with the on-going above infant DMD patient.

20170504. The facial complexion began to float slightly from white and yellow face(DMD patient face; No blood colour).

20170614. Almost normally growing up like normal child. 

20170702 Improved walking ability little by little  but still not to do jumping, running. But the voice is more raoud than any of normal children.  Age ; 45 months after born.

20170703 Serum test result for LDH, CPK, AST, ALT, ALP after taking multi-vitamin daily.
all of level had elevated.

Message between WMDROC and Patient Father.
CPK and LDH level down to 12,000. 1,500 U/L after stopping multi vitamin taken.


WMDROC Q(Yellow) ;
How about patient condition?                                           
Five weeks passed.                                                           
Pls, go to hospital for getting the results of a serum test.
Patient father A(White) ;
Late monday done. Appeared cpk 12,000. ldh 1,500 UL.
                                    Little daughter also cpk level approximately 3,000 UL.



Unknown said…
Dear Sonsu Kim,

I follow your post / blog on Seo's treatment and feel happy to see result better on his 4 birthday (10-04 2017).

Wish the best for the on-going treatment and WMDROC

Edy Tan
Thanks, and pls, watch him with interest. Next serum test is going to be done 3rd week/May/2017.

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