
Showing posts from September, 2012

WMDROC reveal the cause and  treatment method of scoliosis layer accompanying with progressive DMD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Edited by WMDROC For the most of degenerative DMD patients in a scientifically discussed prior to genetic defects or abnormalities of dystrophin chromosome which affected in the muscle, coming on walking disability depending on the flow of  the time year and year over, the more over the years, eventually  they are observed that they can not maintain such a toddler possibilities. When this happens, Patients should rely on a wheelchair instead of walking. Depleting muscles of the limbs or the entire body so as not to move by self,  eventually transformed as well as covering with  leather on the skeletal bones in the human body. As the cause that nutrition has not properly delivered, the tendons even shrunk. It is one of  unstopp

Duchenne Type MD patient in clinical trial by WMDROC

1. Summary of patient A. Name ; S. J. Hwang B. Gender ; Male C. Birth ;  Nov, 29, 1994 D. Reside ; Jeonju, Jeonbuk, South Korea. 2. Summary of  Disease A.  Onset ; The genetic testing due to difficulty walking in the Daejeon Eulji hospital in 2000, X Factor deficiency of duchenne muscular dystrophy confirmed 2000yrs. B. The result of  blood testing ck value 1736,  measured 63 degrees scoliosis 2012.8. C. The results of Ocular Inspection 08/29/2012 ; 1). Limbs and trunk muscles exhausted all. 2). L ost movement abilities of limbs and   neck. 3. Primary diagnosis by WMDROC Temporary consideed all of internal organs weak. 4. Primary Trial by WMDROC Increased up all energy of internal organs to improve each functions and to produce stronger power from each organs. 5. Result of p rimary trials 1. Every joints on limbs became bigger and bigger according to every trials.    2. 2-3 % muscles on limbs regenerated as well as king c