First World Becker Muscular Dystrophy Cure Project by WMDROC [Terminated]


Name of patient ; S. H Kim

Date of birth ;   1992yrs 

Residence ; Seoul  South Korea

Nationality ; Belgium


1. Status  

Pseudohypertrophy on thighs and calves of  both legs since childhood, more severe right leg
Hypoplasia of left limbs. Approximately 10 kg more or less.

 Frequent sprained left ankle

Lumbago between  4 and 5 Lumbars

little bit of Gait disturbance.

Digestive disorders

Low weight ; 54.7kg

나. Test results of Seoul University Hospital (2011-2012) ;

CPK 10992-4245 IU/L, LDH 376,
AST(GOT)  469-64
ALT(GPT)  306-89

2012. 06.11
 CPK      4245.                   Normal range 270-50 iu/ㅣ 
AST(GOT) 64                               "            40-0   "
ALT(GPT) 98                               "            40-0   "

CPK 10992-4245 IU/L,
LDH 376

 AST(GOT) 99
 ALT(GPT) 138

AST(GOT) 154
ALT(GPT) 165

AST(GOT) 105
ALT(GPT)  89
CPK        6029

AST(GOT) 469
ALT(GPT) 306

AST(GOT) 239
ALT(GPT) 253


Doctor Report in SNUH(Seoul National University Hospital) noticed  CK 10,992. LDH 376  in Preliminary diagnosis before diagnosed definitive BMD

The treatment strategies for this patient

1. The primary strategy and goal ;

1-1. Pseudohypertrophy on thighs and calves of  both legs to be removed  first for accomplishing this strategy and for getting  this goal.
1-2. Stop progressive muscular degeneration with dropping high cpk level down to normal level.
1-3. The goal of this strategy will be accomplished if pseudohypertrophy on thighs and calves of  both legs is wholly removed and CPK level down to 250 - 300 u/l. 
1-4. Since patient will be exercised with fast running on behalf of the wheelchair use.   

The result ;  

On-going (Terminated ) 

Carried out blood test for the verifications of CPK, ALT, AST levels.

On 20161108  1st test, ;   CPK 8075, LHD 512, ALT102 , AST 108 U/L

On 20161112  2nd test ; CPK 5061, LHD 415, ALT83, AST 70 U/L

On 20170212  3rd test ;  CPK 8,180, LHD 500, ALT98, AST 109 U/L

Passed(           )
Failed(            )

2. Second strategies and objectives ;

After full amounts of pseudohypertrophy on thighs and calves of  both legs(more than 10 kg weight)  to be gotta rid of completely, cure muscular dystrophy with holding cpk level on normal range to be secured

The result ;

 On-going(Terminated )

On 20161118  More or less 10 kg of  Pseudohypertrophy on thighs and calves of  both legs reduced  down to approximately 1.75kg. More than 8.0 kg of it has been removed.

Body weight change onto 62,3 kg from 54.7 kg, showing 7.5 kg increased, but totally increased more than 15. 5 kg if  added  the removed amount of  Pseudohypertrophy weight. 

On 201705010 Remaining amount of pseudohypertrophy ; 0.05 to 0.075 kg  during the 75 times treatments.

On 20170517 The pseudohypertrophy on RT calf inside was almost disappeared.
On 20170719. Psuedohypertrophy in left calf has removed almost, but the muscle that were inflated because of this, seems to have this. Body weight change onto 66~67 kg from 54.7 kg, showing 11.3~12.3 kg increased, but totally increased more than 21.3~22.3 kg if  added  the disappeared amount of  Pseudohypertrophy weight. 


Passed(        )
Failed(          )

3. Third strategies and objectives ;

The skeleton to be growed fully,
New muscles to be attached on the developed skeleton
Physical disabilities and/or disorders to be cured 

Complications to be removed
A normal body to be created

The result ;   On-going

(Terminated )

All bones of the body, including arms and legs, trunk, shoulder fingers, toes, vertebrae and pelvis are growing.
Body hair that had been  were not grew as a lack of nutritional supply, is growing continuously .                    

Passed(        )
Failed(          )

 [Cut off treatment] Terminated on 20170808 ; The patient had stealed money from wallets and envelopes more than 20 times. Despite having already been warned and aware of this fact in the line on more than 5 times, the more the treatment, the more the theft was increased. Because of the income of the money to steal, this patient gave up the value of future life guaranteed by the treatment of wmdroc.

4. Fourth strategies and objectives ;

The defected exons in the mutated dystrophin genes to be normalized
It is a strategy that will reveal whether the dystrophin gene is the cause or the victim of BMD.

Remarks ; WMDROC is  not still having any experience of  directed genetic therapy.
However, the expectation is greater than disappointed with the research and treatment of the WMDROC.

The result of this treatment strategy will be studied from this patient.
This treatment strategy is the goal agreed by parents and patients.
According to the result, it will be determined if MD were affected or not affected by the specific genes.
All the strategies mentioned above were started at the same time toward those goals from the beginning of the treatment in this cure project.
These sorts of  findings should be the occasion to turn to the study-way for scientists and researchers to study muscular dystrophy in the future.
 These treatments mentioned above are not only for BMD cure, but a comprehensive treatments in the treatment necessary to cure any type  of the muscular dystrophy.

The result ;   On-going ( Terminated ),       
                     Passed(        ),       
                     Failed(        )

Stopped on 20170809

How to cure ;

There are combined two way for using.

No 1. Gwiwon-Yin and Yang and the Five Elements Acupuncture Tao.
No 2. Internal reinforcing and reducing method by 內功(Internal strength)

The above two treatments are performed twice a week

The total treatment effects(after 100 times WMDROC treatments)

1. Pseudo hypertrophy on the LT thigh has gone completely with 37 times treatment.   
2. Pseudo hypertrophy on the RT thigh has gone completely with 48 times treatment. 
3.  Pseudo hypertrophy on the LT calf has gone completely with 54~56 times treatment.
4. Pseudo hypertrophy on the RT calf has almost gone with 75 times treatment, but still remained approximately 0.05~0.075 kg.
5. Remained  Pseudo hypertrophy on the RT claf has gone completely with 100 times treatment. It seems that only those fine roots remain.   
6. Waddling gait has disappeared without any remaining 1%.
7. Not only is it possible to run 100m at full speed,
8. even for a few kilometers of marathon, there is endurance and leg power that can be played when he is in his heart.
9. In addition, the left and right balance of the body is still finding its equilibrium with Even keel.
10. Before the treatment of wmdroc, the physique was so small that it barely hit the shoulders of others.Over the past several months, it has been common for people to hit his shoulders against other people on busy roads and crowded subways. 
11. Even if he eat 4 to 5 meals a day, he will be hungry enough.

12. From 50 to 60 times, his eyesight was getting better, his glasses were changed to low power, and even his twin brother who lives in overseas (Belgium) got better together.

13. Previously, I tried to eat the food cooked with the recipe avoiding the fat by the pseudo hypertrophy, but now he is bacchanal and eat whatever he want to eat.

14. His calves is not stuck in his pants and he seems to live now.
15. It is no longer necessary to reduce the waist of the pants, but rather to increase the waist of the pants.

16. unexplained hairs, before the treatment of WMDROC, grows up from the skin.

17. When he enters the winter season, the respiratory disease as a patient suffering from muscular dystrophy, is healed.

18. At a body weight of 54 kg, if the pancreatic enlargement of a puddle larger than 10 kg is exhausted, the weight should be 44 kG.
 Over 100 treatments, the body weight has increased 66~67 kg, more than 20 kg of  cells of bone, muscle, organs were re-emerged.  
19. Muscles were attached to the feet, the floor of the feet thickened, and a lot of muscles were formed on the heel, and the flat feet disappeared.

20. After about 100 treatments, the pectoralis major, which was flat, developed.
The bone dystrophy treatment that transcends the construction of the body skeleton including the limb, is performed.

21. Despite the age of 25, when the growth plate is closed, the growth plate is reopened. The bone dystrophy treatment that transcends the construction of the body skeleton including the limb, is performed.
22. Newly-emerging cells are neoplastic cells whose chromosomal telomere's tail is truncated.

23. Newly-emerging cells are neoplastic cells whose chromosomal telomere's tail is truncated.The skin is the same as the baby 's, so he can live that long.

First photos on 20160728

1. Right arm

2. Left arm

3. Left leg

4. Right leg

5. Calves of both legs

6.  Front side of both legs

7. Right upper arm

8.Left arm

9. Right leg

10. left leg

11. Knees of both lags

12. Right leg ; No hairs on the any legs, I called it new named "Hair Dystrophy"

13. Left upper arm

14. Backside of both legs

15, Chest

Photos on 20160818

Photos after twenty five times treatment on 20161028

The bone of the right lower arm is growing for doing bone dystrophy cure before muscular dystrophy cure.

The bone of the left lower arm, hand, finger joint were growing for doing bone dystrophy cure before muscular dystrophy cure.


Serum Testing Report after done 27(hand writings), 28 1/2 times treatments.

On 20161108  first test, ;   CPK 8075, LHD 512, ALT102 , AST 108 U/L
On 20161112 second test ; CPK 5061, LHD 415, ALT83, AST 70 U/L

20161210, Pseudohypertrophy on left thigh has all gone, the new born muscle from the pelvis comes down to the knee after 37 times treatment.

20161210. To prevent the ankle's contractions, Achilles tendon becomes very strongly developed after 37 times treatment  and hairs on leg coming out.

20161216 Pseudohitrophy still remains on calves, but  Achilles tendons of both legs become very strongly developed after 38 times treatment

20161216, The nutrients that make up the muscles come from the abdomen's organs to the left upper arm.

20161216,If you look at the picture below, do you still believe that the cause of the disease is a genetic defect,or can you believe it is a lack of nutrition from the organs that make up the muscles?
Upper arm's regenerating new muscle is nutrients such as porridge sent from the abdomen's organs.
It will soon spread to the entire left arm, and the upper part tapers again.
This treatment is to regenerate new muscle in all types of  MD patients and cure these disease.
The efficacy of the treatment is more than 100 times greater than those of Eteplirsen or transalurna, so it can not be compared with these drug treatments or exon skipping treatments.

20161224, Newly tibial muscle is generating for the convenience of using the left foot and new born hairs coming up..

20161230 Due to the supply of nutrients from the organ,  right wrist was still growing.


Bones on left leg and knee joint are growing for making bigger and bigger due to bone dystrophy accomplishment

 Muscles on right shoulder and upper arm are increasing owing to more nutrient supply from organ.

One minute later differance 


20170211 The results of blood test    

20170217 Muscles are continuously being regenerated without the influence of above high blood levels. The amount and speed of muscles to regenerate is faster and more rapid than the rate of muscle mass destruction. High levels of blood tests (LDH, CPK, AST, ALT, etc) that represent  muscle destruction have not also prevented muscle regeneration from this patient.  
New born hairs were coming on up. 

20170224 left hand bone and tibial muscles of both legs still continuously growing up.





20170328 The shin tendon becomes larger and stronger

20170404 The knee and patella are enlarged and developed.

201705010 Remaining amount of pseudohypertrophy

Estimated remaining  pseudo hypertrophy in red circle on right calf  approximately  between 0.05 to 0.075 kg  during the 75 times treatments. This patient started his cure on his  pseudo hypertrophy  from more than 10.00 kg existence. Here we go, It is a process that converts muscle cells from fat masses that have been stuck for 25 years.  It is the best of the best technology for MD cure to create new muscular cells from the fat clump. Except WMDROC, no one and no god can made it. This technique is rather difficult than changing the mutated gene to normal.
Whenever the rest of the pseudohypertrophy disappears, the cpk values and the abnormal values of all the other components in the serum test will go down finally to the reference values, and the cure of muscular dystrophy will proceed rapidly. herefore, watch carefully the treatment of this patient.

This WMDROC technology is applied not only to Becker type but also to all types of muscular dystrophy.

20170516 The muscles of the reproductive organs are also developing

20170517  The pseudohypertrophy on right calf inside is almost disappearing.


 20170627. As the development of the lungs with WMDROC treatment, the shoulders have widened gradually more and more depending on the increased number of treatments.


 20170712. Forearm and hand growth were ongoing.

20170719. Psuedohypertrophy in left calf has removed almost, but the muscle that were inflated because of this, seems to have this.

Serum Test Abstract

 Number of TestDates(▼), Items(▶) Of TestCPK( iu/ㅣ)  LDH(iu/ㅣ)AST(40-0 iu/ㅣ)      ALT(40-0 iu/ㅣ)
       1 2011,10.01              86           96
       2 2011.10.05            239          253
      3 2011.12.02 AST(GOT) 469ALT(GPT) 306
     4 2012.03.30 CPK  6029 AST(GOT) 105 ALT(GPT)  89
      5 2012.06.07 AST(GOT) 154 ALT(GPT) 165
      6 2012.06.08  AST(GOT) 99 ALT(GPT) 138
      7 2012.06.10 CPK 10,992  LDH 376
      8 2012.06.11  CPK  4245.    AST(GOT) 64     ALT(GPT) 98    
      92016.11.08,  8,075  512 108  102
    102016.11.12,  5,061 (-3014)   415  (- 97)  70  (-38)   83 (-19) 
    112017.02.12   8,180 (+3,019)  500   (+80)  98  (+28)  109 (+26)

    20 (8,180 -140)/125,583 (500-225)/4.03 (98-40)/0.791 (109-40)/1.58
to go
2R/week64.02R to 140 U/L(↓)68.24 R to  225U/L(↓)73.41R to40 U/L(↓) 43.67R to 40 I U/L(↓)



1. Genetic examinations

2. Biopsy

3. Liver, needle biopsy

These treatment of WMDROC, however, can be longer or shorter than prediction in the treatment period depending on the presence or absence of pseudohypertrophy in muscular dystrophy, but it does not matter on race differences.

20170809 Temporary stopped all of  the treatment  in order to cure nature.


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