
Showing posts from October, 2016

First World Becker Muscular Dystrophy Cure Project by WMDROC [Terminated]

Patient Name of patient ; S. H Kim Date of birth ;   1992yrs  Residence ; Seoul  South Korea Nationality ; Belgium Overview 1. Status   Pseudohypertrophy on thighs and calves of  both legs since childhood, more severe right leg Hypoplasia of left limbs. Approximately 10 kg more or less.  Frequent sprained left ankle Lumbago between  4 and 5 Lumbars little bit of Gait disturbance. Digestive disorders Low weight ; 54.7kg 나. Test results of Seoul University Hospital (2011-2012) ; CPK 10992-4245 IU/L, LDH 376, AST(GOT)  469-64 ALT(GPT)  306-89 2012. 06.11  CPK      4245.                   Normal range 270-50 iu/ㅣ  AST(GOT) 64                  ...