Fascioscapulohumeral muscular Dystrophy in the world first progressive cure by WMDROC
1. This clinical trial which has been carried out by WMDROC, will be the first successful case of cure for FHSD in the world.
2. This clinical trial process will be continued to reach the goals
2. This clinical trial process will be continued to reach the goals
of ;
A. CK level down 413 to 50-200 IU/L.
B. Chromosome 4 mutation to normal.
C. EcoRI Fragment up 25 to more than 41 kb.
D. Numbers of D4Z4 repeat 6 to more than 12 times.
E. Muscles degenerated to recover 100 % normal.
F. Getting a effect of surgery for both abnormal scapulars.
G. Getting a free movement for abnormal limb girdle.
H. Creatinine up 0.63 to 1.0 mg/dl around.
I. SGOT down 41 to less than 40iu/l.
J. SGPT down 64 to less than 43 iu/l.
K. LD down 285 to less than 178 iu/l.
L. Myoglobine down 115 to less than ng/ml
M. Hepatomegaly and liver disease(R/O ; Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver) to cure completely.
N. Allergy by pollen, nuts and fruits to cure.
O. diaphragmatic event ration cure with getting lungs bigger and livers smaller.
P. abdominale Epilepsie cure.
1. summary
of patient
A. Name : G. W. Choi
B. Date of birth : April, 17, 1982.
C. Gender : male
2. summary
of onset
A. Family history : none
B. Heredity : None, Mutation type.
C. Onset : Left arm to go up to the head harder to be started from the 20-year-old, afterwards arm on the right side of the way, Bilateral scapula protrudes began, Few months ago, the disease down into the legs and the legs going slowly weakened state.
D. 01/04/2013. Blood test results at the Asan Medical Center in Seoul, rule out Muscular Dystrophy, After genetic testing Facioscapulohumeral muscular Dystrophy to be confirmed.
3.Primary diagnosis by WMDROC (2013.1.21)
A. Lungs and Large intestine weak
B. Pericardium and Triple energizer weak.
C. Heart and small intestine weak.
D. Livers strong and gal bladder weak.
E. Spline and stomach weak.
F. Kidney and bladder weak.
G. Ocular Inspection : Constitutionally, Front of the chest was exceptionally depressed owing to Pericardium so weak, according to liver strong, showing Flanks of the ribs is extended.
4. Summary of cure by WMDROC
A. 2013/01/21. Primarily in order to observe the changes of the disease, acupuncture's trial
1) Lungs and Large intestine weak to make strong.
2) Pericardium and Triple energizer weak.
3) heart and small intestine weak to make strong.
4) Livers strong and gal bladder weak to make strong and weak
5) Spleen and stomach weak to make strong.
6) Kidney and bladder weak to make strong.
But since 20 min terminated trial, according to Sudden bowel movement.
B. Discussed treatment of patient to be commence from February with his parent because he has to sign off his job in the company.
C. 2013/02/04 All applied acupuncture treatment to increase up energy for whole organs, while the blood vessels in instep of a foot shallow straits.
D.2013/02/05 showed little signs of regeneration of the muscle occurs at the upper arm below left shoulder joint and the elbow portion.
E. 2013/02/08.The fifth after the procedure, temporary interruption to the holidays(New year).
F. 2013/02/11. Start again the clinical eradication after discontinuation of 2 days.
G. 2013/2/16. Second photo shoot for the analysis of treatment effects, the left and right arm circumference measurements,
1). Circumference of chest 102. 0 -> 104.0 cm.
2). " " R/T arm 26.0 -> 26.8 cm.
3). " " L/T arm 24.2 -> 25.0 cm.
Discovered phenomena that toxemia emerges as small boils through the skin of patient back between the shoulder blades. Found out emergence of coffee spot in the center of the chest as symptoms weakness pericardium. Symptoms and heavy footfall with muscle regeneration on both legs. 5-10% regeneration judgment judgment, Restarted treatment.
H. 2013/2/19. Temporally stopped treatment with home problem after two times more treatments, total 12 times treatment.
I. 2013/2/22. Commenced re treatment.
J. 2013/2/26. Pain occurred owing to myotonia in the inguinal region on R/T hip joint during the clinical trial.
k. 2013/2/27. Pain occurred owing to myotonia in the inguinal region on L/T hip joint during the clinical trial.
L. 2013/3/02. Took photos and measured circumferences chest and upper arms after 20 times clinical trials.
1). Circumference of chest 102. 0 -> 104.0 cm.
2). " " R/T arm 26.0 -> 26.8 cm.
3). " " L/T arm 24.2 -> 25.0 cm.
4). Inclusion body myositis appeared for popping out non - circulated amyloid in the muscle between both shoulder blades.
M. 2013/03/06. Diagnosis the energies of spleen and stomach to be in too strong, so commenced them decreasing down.
N. 2013/03/14. Took photos and measured circumferences chest and upper arms after 30 times clinical trials.
1). Circumference of chest 104.0 -> 105.1cm.
2). " " R/T upper arm 26.8 -> 26.8 cm.
3). " " L/T upper arm 25.0 -> 24.7 cm.
4). Alternated treatment of spleen and stomach function from decreasing down to to increasing up, liver from increasing up to decreasing down in accordance with diagnosis.
O. 2013/03/19-20. Angina occurred to eat breakfast with milk and fruits(banana, apple, and cherry tomatoes).
P. 2013/3/28 .Took photos and measured after 40 times clinical trials.
1). Circumference of chest 105.1 → 104.4 cm.
2). " " R/T upper arm 26.8 → 27.4 cm.
3). " " L/T upper arm 24.7 → 25.5 cm
4). " " Abdominal middle 98.2
Remarks ; (symptom, expansion of both ribs on abdominal middle), so, measured abdominal middle.
5). Results of diagnose ; Hepatomegaly, decide the treatment way for Livers strong and gal bladder weak to control them ongoing. Heavy symptom of legs commenced to reduce as using the treatment way for Livers strong and gal bladder weak, Spleen and stomach weak. Reducing inclusion body polymyositis in the muscle between both shoulder blades.
6). Arranged blood test in a hospital in Taejon, Korea for comparing CK level difference with WMDROC clinical trial before and after.
Q. 2013/3/30. The result of blood test for CK level change after 41times WMDROC clinical trials ;
171( 413 to 242) iu/l decreasing down.
R. 2013/04/09. Took photos and measured after 50 times therapies. Two positions measurement in R/T, L/T upper arms upsides and downsides.
1). Circumference of chest 102. 0 → 104.0 → 105.1 → 104.4→ 105.6 cm.
2). " " R./T upper arm 26.0 → 26.8 → 26.8 → 27.4 → 26.7(26.0)cm.
3). " " L/T " " 24.2 → 25.0 → 24.7 → 25.5 → 25.8(25.0)cm.
4) " " Abdominal middle 98.2 → 97.4 cm.
Therapy for spleen and stomach weak to make strong temporarily excluded, instead of which commenced right and left combination therapies for livers strong and gal bladder weak to make strong and weak.
2013/4/12. The abdominal bulge photo shoot.
2013/4/24. the photo shoot for the analysis of 6th clinical (62 days) results; circumference measurements of chest, central abdomen , L/T and R/T upper arms.
1). Circumference of chest 102. 0 → 104.0 -> 105.1 → 104.4→ 105.6 → 102.9 (-2.7)cm
2). " " R./T upper arm 26.0 → 26.8 → 26.8 → 27.4 → 26.7(26.0)→26.8 cm.
3). " " L/T " " 24.2 → 25.0 → 24.7 → 25.5 → 25.8(25.0)→ 25.2 cm
4) " " Abdominal middle 98.2 → 97.4 → 97.4 cm.
1). The multiple treatment results by subtracting the aura in livers, Chest reduction (-2.7cm).
2). R/T upper arm 0.2, L/T upper arm, 0.8cm increasing , center of the abdomen as it is in measurement.
1). Causes of the diaphragm and lungs which was pushed upward by livers drooped downward, because of the reduction livers .
2). Cause of reduced lung itself, because of the reduction livers energy in lungs.
1). Circumference of chest 102. 0 → 104.0 → 105.1 → 104.4→ 105.6 cm.
2). " " R./T upper arm 26.0 → 26.8 → 26.8 → 27.4 → 26.7(26.0)cm.
3). " " L/T " " 24.2 → 25.0 → 24.7 → 25.5 → 25.8(25.0)cm.
4) " " Abdominal middle 98.2 → 97.4 cm.
Therapy for spleen and stomach weak to make strong temporarily excluded, instead of which commenced right and left combination therapies for livers strong and gal bladder weak to make strong and weak.
2013/4/12. The abdominal bulge photo shoot.
2013/4/24. the photo shoot for the analysis of 6th clinical (62 days) results; circumference measurements of chest, central abdomen , L/T and R/T upper arms.
1). Circumference of chest 102. 0 → 104.0 -> 105.1 → 104.4→ 105.6 → 102.9 (-2.7)cm
2). " " R./T upper arm 26.0 → 26.8 → 26.8 → 27.4 → 26.7(26.0)→26.8 cm.
3). " " L/T " " 24.2 → 25.0 → 24.7 → 25.5 → 25.8(25.0)→ 25.2 cm
4) " " Abdominal middle 98.2 → 97.4 → 97.4 cm.
1). The multiple treatment results by subtracting the aura in livers, Chest reduction (-2.7cm).
2). R/T upper arm 0.2, L/T upper arm, 0.8cm increasing , center of the abdomen as it is in measurement.
1). Causes of the diaphragm and lungs which was pushed upward by livers drooped downward, because of the reduction livers .
2). Cause of reduced lung itself, because of the reduction livers energy in lungs.
2013/4/24. the photo shoot for the analysis of 7th clinical (74 days) results; circumference measurements of chest, central abdomen , L/T and R/T upper arms.
1). Circumference of chest 102. 0 → 104.0 -> 105.1 → 104.4→ 105.6 → 102.9 (-2.7)→104.0 cm
2). " " R./T upper arm 26.0 → 26.8 → 26.8 → 27.4 → 26.7(26.0)→26.8 →25.8cm.
3). " " L/T " " 24.2 → 25.0 → 24.7 → 25.5 → 25.8(25.0)→ 25.2 →24.5cm
4) " " Abdominal middle 98.2 → 97.4 → 97.4 →97.8cm.
Remarks ;
Since 2013/5/7 at dawn chest pain occured and difficulty of vision also.
Cause 1. The disease caused by pollen powder, and scattering time for pine pollen.
Cause 2. Chest pain caused by the collision of lung's energy and liver energy invaded in lungs owing to double increasing of lungs energy from R/T and L/T both side.
Commenced lungs energy increasing up double and liver energy double decreasing down in order to avoid conflicts of lungs energy and liver energy in lungs.
2013/5, Terminated this treatment with patient quoit according to home problems.
Status of muscular dystrophy in therapy.
CK level ranges(iu/l) Status of muscle
More than 350 Progressive degeneration
Saying 320 - 350 Stopped degeneration
Less than 200 Progressive generation
For getting a MD cure, CK level should be letting done down to less than 200 iu/l.
The medical certificate of Facioscapulohumeral muscular Dystrophy (Seoul-Asan hospital)
Corporal code ; G710 ; Muscular Dystrophy
Clinical Contents ; Upper arms, limb girdle, arms > leg,
Fascioscapulohumeral muscular Dystrophy(FSHD) was confirmed
Progressive record for outpatient in Seoul Asan medical Center.
Medical report of diagnose in Samsung Seoul Hospital.
The Result of CK level test Report in La fael Neurology hospital in Tejeon, Korea on 2013/03/28 (After 41 times WMDRC treatment)
Photos below shooting at before the clinical trial, since per every 10times trial.
1. Scapular
2. The left upper arm
3 The right upper arm
4. Expansion of both ribs on abdominal middle.
5. Right brachial diameter measurements
26.0 → 26.8 → 26.8 → 27.4 → 26.7 cm.
6. Left brachial diameter measurements
24.2 → 25.0 → 24.7 → 25.5 → 25.8(25.0) cm
7. Chest circumference measurements
102. 0 → 104.0 → 105.1 → 104.4→ 105.6 cm.
8. Abdominal middle
98.2 → 97.4 → 97.4 cm.
9. Shoulder length from back side
10. Shoulder length from front side