
Showing posts from 2014

First time clinical treatment for nonaka type md in the world by WMDROC

 1. Name ; S. W. Pyo. 2. Sex; male 3. Birth; 1983. 4. Reside; Seoul Korea. Situation. 1. Felled walking abnormalities and leg's pain since a couple years. 2. diagnosed Nonaka type MD  throughout gene examination (GNE gen mutation) How to by WMDROC 1. Tried whole energies in organs increasing up first treatment on 2014/10/11.  and found right heel muscle increasing but very little.

First time clinical treatment of mmd 1 in the world by WMDROC

 1. Name;  J. S. Eom 2. Sex; male 3. Reside: Daejon metro city,  south Korea. 4. Birth ;  1959. 5, Onset ; infant 6. Situation ;  Random myotonic,  Diabetes, Pseudohypertrophy. muscle degeneration on both lower hands. How treat by WMDROC. 1. All of organ's energy to be increasing up for a seven times by acupuncture needles since 2014/07/24. 2. Universal energy transferred to whole organs of patient for making acceleration treatment via practitioner from eight times treatment. 3. Made down liver energy from eighteen times. 4. Temporally stopped treatment on December, 14th, 2014. Effect. 1. Myotonic has not been occurred after starting WMDROC treatment. 2. Started decreasing of Pseudohypertrophy after 17 times treatment. Progression. 1.  Estimated three months for getting rid of Pseudohypertrophy on the calves and thighs of both legs. 2. Degenerated mu...

Curability of muscular diseases by WMDROC

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Curability  by WMDROC What is outlook of the treatment on the future of patient with ALS ? WMDROC has had clinical trials for four individuals with ALS. But to be frank with you, we are ascertained that the curability of ALS is not superior to any kinds of Muscular Dystrophy treatment. Only one patient has been stopped and reversed slightly for months among them. Progressive ALS of other three individuals has failed to clinical trials heading to stop and reverse.   However, it is too early to abandon hopelessness for possibilities of treatment yet. When we looked back on the experience of failure. It is only necessary to increase the intensity of treatment more than muscular dystrophy.  WMDROC has standing by  challenge again   to make stop and reverse  the progression of ALS if we could  encounter to  the chance of clinical trials. Theref...