Who has had world-first clinical trials for Duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment?
[about below articles of Science NETWORK WESTERN AUSTRRALIA] World-first clinical trials for Duchenne muscular Written by Gina Ravenscroft Monday, 15 August 2011 15:41 A WA pioneered therapy for the devastating genetic muscle disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) has shown great promise in world-first clinical trials. ( The disease – caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene – results in the dystrophin protein not being made. This protein is involved in protecting muscle fibres from damage. Image: flickr Wessex Reg. Genetics Centre, Wellcome Images ) DMD is a severely disabling and progressive neuromuscular disease that affects about one in 3,500 boys and causes premature death The disease – caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene – results in the dystrophin protein not being made. This protein is involved in protecting muscle fibres from damage. When dystrophin is missing the muscle becomes easily damaged resulting in inflammation and muscle d...