
Showing posts from January, 2012

Who has had world-first clinical trials for Duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment?

[about below articles of Science NETWORK WESTERN AUSTRRALIA] World-first clinical trials for Duchenne muscular Written by Gina Ravenscroft Monday, 15 August 2011 15:41 A WA pioneered therapy for the devastating genetic muscle disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) has shown great promise in world-first clinical trials. ( The disease – caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene – results in the dystrophin protein not being made. This protein is involved in protecting muscle fibres from damage. Image: flickr Wessex Reg. Genetics Centre, Wellcome Images ) DMD is a severely disabling and progressive neuromuscular disease that affects about one in 3,500 boys and causes premature death The disease – caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene – results in the dystrophin protein not being made. This protein is involved in protecting muscle fibres from damage. When dystrophin is missing the muscle becomes easily damaged resulting in inflammation and muscle d...

PLoS Currents: Muscular Dystrophy – open for submissions

PLoS Currents: Muscular Dystrophy – open for submissions By Liz Allen Posted: August 9, 2011 We’re pleased to announce that another new section of PLoS Currents, on the topic of Muscular Dystrophy, is open for submissions. We invited Dominic Wells (Professor in Translational Medicine, Royal Veterinary College, London) from our editorial board to share his thoughts about this important new site and his reasons for taking part. Below he issues a challenge to this research community to use this new forum to increase the speed of advances in the understanding and treatment of DMD and related muscular dystrophies. “I am delighted to have been asked to act as one of the Editors of PLoS Currents: Muscular Dystrophy. This is a new forum, produced with support from Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, for the rapid communication of hypotheses and experimental results. The attractive elements of this publishing approach are obvious: publication will be rapid (the aim is to achiev...

The generating causes of the symptom for Muscualr Dystrophy in the analysis by WMDROC.

While most of us, human-being has stayed for the time between nine and  ten months, from the moment of conception until birth. Although the capacity or the size is bigger or smaller than another one depending on an individual or racial differences,  every each parts or internal organs of the body in proportion to the volume or weight of body have been basically aligned or created and had in the womb. Then we were born in this world.  Those things have not been decided by own will or any desire of born baby but also solely received throughout the umbilical cord from its parent. As being the food resources which the mother has taken, those has been supplied baby ready to bear in the world.  However, after birth as things to take through their mouth and nose entirely makes in raising these each parts of the body or organs which have come from the womb before birth, undergoing a process of birth, old, illness, death is cardinal to go. These process is a destin...

Classification of constitutions by Gwiwon Yin-Yang Five Elements Acupuncture of WMDROC

Some one has so divided constitutions of human bodies into four types and another as eight types that they called it as whole constitutions in a medical field of Korean tradition. All of these sounds were insane. please review the constitutions to categorize by Gwiwon Yin-Yang Five element Acupuncture way of  WMDROC. 1. Overview of  Yin-Yang in Organs Yin and yang are so a relative principal in oriental philosophy that twelve organs are classified by themselves every each other as follows: ORGAN(YIN)            FIVE ELEMENT          ENERGY CHARACTER         ORGAN(YANG) Liver                   wooden            wind                         Gal  bladder Pericardium     ...