
Showing posts from September, 2011

The world's first open process of Mytonic Muscular Dystrophy in curing by WMDROC

The following article is  a real recording content for  the career of sick of which  I, Gwiwon a Korean Buddhist monk,The founders of this WMDROC was onset  at a young age, the 28-year-old, the spring of 1982, and then did not so know my diagnosis almost 30 years that was suffering as my struggle for survival with the disease of MMD at the time in the most important activities of life . 1. Overview of patient. A. Giwon,  Son Su Kim. B. Male. C. Born 1954. D. a Korean Buddhist monk. E. Inventor of Gwiwon yinyang five action acupuncture. F. Founder of  WMDROC. G. Presenter of "How to cure muscular dystrophy in the world's first open by WMDROC." 2. Overview of  onset. A. In the spring 1982, Since the first the strength of the knee was fell on and colder, painful symptoms occurred in Nagoya, Japan, and rapidly sciatica,  pain of hip joint and shoulder joint also have commenced. Left side half body dislocated against...